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संस्कृत के लिए वाणी टङ्कण टूल

Voice Typing Tool for Sanskrit

The "Voice Typing Tool for Sanskrit (संस्कृत के लिए वाणी टङ्कण टूल)" is a result of the research (R&D) carried out by Mr. Tushar Gandhi (Ph.D. 2023-2028) under the supervision of Dr. Subhash Chandra with advisorship of Prof. SP Singh and Dr. Ajit Kumar, Department of Sanskrit, University of Delhi, Delhi for the award of PhD Degree. The title of thesis is Sanskrit Voice Typing Tool: Issues and Challenges . The coding for the application was done by Dr. Subhash Chandra and partially by Mr. Tushar Gandhi. Data set and rules were prepared by Research Scholar Mr. Tushar Gandhi and Dr. Subhash Chandra.

Will be updated soon